Once thought to be a Druid’s chair

This little ancient monument is known as The Brehons Chair. These stones are all that remain of a passage tomb that may date to 2000-2500 BC. The 2 large stones at the entrance are known as ‘portal stones and the structure would then have been covered by a cairn of stones. Grave goods or cremated bones would have been placed in the center of the tomb. Over the millennia its original function probably changed as many of these places developed to have astrological, spiritual, religious, and ceremonial importance. In medieval times up until 1800, Brehon laws were statutes that governed everyday life and politics in Ireland, and places like Brehon’s Chair were used as a type of outdoor courthouse. This monument is now located within the grounds of a private gated housing estate.

Thanks to the Brehon Academy for informative video