Look out for the smiley face

The Fourknocks’ name may derive from the Irish word ‘Fuair Cnocs’ meaning ‘cold hills’ or it just may refer to the four tombs on the nearby hills. It has a short passage that leads into a wide pear-shaped chamber that has 3 smaller offset chambers. The tomb was excavated in 1952 and fragments of 65 burials were found that had both cremated and un-cremated remains of both adults and children. Artifacts found on site included decorated pottery, vessels, and personal ornaments which can now be seen in the National Museum of Ireland. Just inside the entrance is a rare representation of a human face that dates to the Neolithic period. This face is about three feet high and looks like some kind of prehistoric smiling emoji. There are two more passage tombs in the next field but these are overgrown with grass and furze bushes.

Thanks to MythicalIreland for excellent video on Four Knocks