Regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in the World
Trinity College was founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I and was modeled after the collegiate universities of Oxford and Cambridge. It is one of the seven ancient universities of Britain and Ireland, as well as Ireland’s oldest surviving university. The front face of Trinity College was built in 1751 to the designs of an amateur English architect called Theodore Jacobsen. When it was built the board of the college asked the Irish Parliament, which was then situated directly across the road in the present Bank of Ireland Building on College Green, for financial help for its construction. A part of this deal was that any unspent money should be returned to the English Parliament. The Irish MPs were very receptive to spending all the funds and the result was that Trinity was built more grandly than any college in the British Isles including Cambridge or Oxford and possibly Buckingham Palace!
Thanks to Trinity College Dublin for informative video on the college